Centrel knows how to observe and devise what medical practice asks.
That is why every Centrel appliance is designed to completely satisfy the needs of the user, deploying the most advanced technologies and over than 40 years of experience gained by the constant realization of forefront products. The steady cooperation with consulting rooms and health care organizations permits us to face, study and solve the problems and the specific requirements of the different medical specialities with great flexibility. The attention to details follows the exigency of functionality and practicality and allows us to create products that maintain a high quality standard over time, against a reasonable cost.
Centrel sarà presente al XXXIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SICPCV con il colposcopio Z4 dotato del software di refertazione ginecologica Colpox, con il colposcopio C23 e con il sistema di video endoscopia portatile ad alta definizione EP10, per isteroscopia ambulatoriale ed operatoria....
23 September, 2019We’ll partecipate to the XIII International Workshop on Lower Genital Tract Pathology from 12 to 13 of April 2018, location Hotel Carpegna via Pio VI, 6 – 00165 Roma. For more informations about the event, please read the program. Course directors: Antonio Frega, Cesare gentili,......
08 March, 2018Notifications